Here’s How You Can Start Leading Your Life
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Here’s How You Can Start Leading Your Life

Are you intentionally creating the life of your design?
Are you actively leading your life in the direction towards the big vision you have for yourself?
Or, have you recently found yourself passively drifting throughout life?

You see friends, if we aren’t intentional about creating the life of our design, then we will start drifting and end up living a life by default; and guess what, no one just drifts their way to success. With this in mind, here's how you can start leading your life well.

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4 Biblical Principles That  You Need To Know to Scale Your Business To The Next Level
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

4 Biblical Principles That You Need To Know to Scale Your Business To The Next Level

Are you an entrepreneur who has already entered the field of entrepreneurship and is interested in learning how to scale your business to the next level so you can have greater impact and more income? Or, are you simply fascinated by the idea of being your own boss and is considering exploring the field of entrepreneurship? If you said yes to any of these questions, then this month’s blog is just for you. In this month’s blog, I am going to teach you how you can scale your business to the next level using Biblical Principles.

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New Beginnings
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

New Beginnings

Are you experiencing a major change in your life? Have you ever felt feelings of fear associated with starting a new chapter in life? You see, whether you are a recent high school graduate who is about to start a new journey by entering college; or you have just completed your tertiary studies and now about to embark into the world of work; or whether you are a soon to be spouse, change is all a part of the journey of life and that’s why in this month’s blog, you will learn all about what to do when you sense that change is on its way to your doorsteps.

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4 Success Principles To Learn From Seeds
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

4 Success Principles To Learn From Seeds

Have you ever noticed that all around us in nature, there are many things from which we can gather profound insight to guide the trajectory of our lives? Well, seeds are one of those things we can learn from. In this month’s blog, discover 4 transformational lessons which we can learn from seeds that would help to take your life and leadership to the next level.

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The Key To A Resilient Life
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

The Key To A Resilient Life

Have you ever felt as if, as soon as you overcame one obstacle, another seemed to have mysteriously appeared? You see, the thing about life is, we are sure to meet obstacles & challenges at some point. But, the good news is, though we may feel burdened & sometimes powerless, we already have all that is needed to overcome. Resilience is crucial for success and that's why, in this month’s blog, I want to teach you the key required to live a resilient life.

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Stop Living As If Your Life Doesn’t Have An Expiry Date On It
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Stop Living As If Your Life Doesn’t Have An Expiry Date On It

Have you ever gone throughout a day and then at the end of it, you felt as if you didn’t used the time as best as you should? Maybe you identified all that needed to be done, but in the end, you didn’t make much progress. Allow me to ask you another question. Have you found yourself in the habit of constantly putting off and procrastinating on doing something or pursuing a dream that you have, saying “Perhaps, one day I will do this or that”? If you can relate to any of these, then you are not alone. Learn more about the importance of living an intentional life in this month’s blog.

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Change The Narrative
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Change The Narrative

Did you know that your mind is like a supercomputer which is constantly being ruled by a set of programs? These mental programs which are repeated and reinforced throughout the years, eventually go on to shape our beliefs. When these beliefs are formed, we then start to act on them. If your brain receives data that contradicts an embedded mental pattern, your subconscious will simply ignore it. That’s why we must evaluate and be mindful of the narratives which we tell ourselves on a daily basis. We must ensure that our minds are being fed the correct things so that we can lead our lives. Today, I’m going to share with you how you can change the narrative in your mind so that you can be set on your way to success.

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Being Your Authentic Self
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Being Your Authentic Self

Many of us have heard it said at some point in life, “Be your authentic self. Live your life unapologetically and on your own terms”. But what does it mean to be your authentic self?

Does it mean, doing as you please, without any regard for others or the advice they give? Does it mean, being stuck in your own ways, even if your ways are negative or unhealthy? Well today, we will learn all about authenticity as it is a major key towards becoming the full person that we were created to be.

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Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves


Welcome to 2023. This month, our focus is on, “Gratitude”. Usually, as it comes to the end of one year, we may start planning for the year ahead by setting goals for ourselves. However, in our eagerness to plan for the future, we may not take a moment, to pause and reflect on our life or our journey over the past year. That is why I want to help you to kick start the year on the right path. As you start this new year, I want you to take time to express gratitude for the things in your life. As you have an attitude of gratitude and as you take time to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments, you will notice a positive change occurring in your life.

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Living a Life Of Purpose
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Living a Life Of Purpose

You were place here on this earth for a purpose. You were not placed on this earth just to get by. Rather, you were destined to thrive in all areas of your life. There is a purpose for your life. But, you must first discover, accept, embrace and then fully step into it. Today, that’s what I am going to help you to do. I am going to help you to discover the keys that are needed, to live an intentional, fulfilled and purpose driven life.

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The Journey Of Transformation
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

The Journey Of Transformation

The ability to take one’s life to higher and greater levels first entails the process of transforming one’s life and mindset. But how exactly do we do that? Well, that’s what I will share with you today.

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Building Better Relationships
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Building Better Relationships

Whether you are a manager who is seeking to hire new employees on your team, a parent who is seeking a closer connection with your child or a youth who wants to build healthy friendships with others, relationships all play a vital role in our lives.

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The Power Of Your Community & Environment
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

The Power Of Your Community & Environment

The people who surround your life will influence the direction in which you go in. You are a product of the closest people with whom you surround yourself. If you want to grow to become fully who you were meant to be, surround yourself with growth minded and purpose-driven people.

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Developing Your Inner Leader
Kristen Greaves Kristen Greaves

Developing Your Inner Leader

Great leaders who seek to genuinely serve and help others allow others to become better versions of themselves. This principle is evident in the scripture as Jesus stated in Matthew 23:11 He who wants to be great among you must first be your servant. In order to be a great leader, we must first be willing to serve.

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