4 Biblical Principles That You Need To Know to Scale Your Business To The Next Level

Are you an entrepreneur who has already entered the field of entrepreneurship and is interested in learning how to scale your business to the next level so you can have greater impact and more income? Are you someone who is interested in earning some additional income to help you and your family meet their financial commitments?  Or, are you simply fascinated by the idea of being your own boss and is considering exploring the field of entrepreneurship on a part time basis or on a full time basis? If you said yes to any of these questions, then this month’s blog is just for you.

In this month’s blog, I am going to teach you how you can scale your business to the next level. There are 4 biblical principles that every kingdom entrepreneur must keep in their mind if they want to experience success. The amazing thing is, regardless of your field of specialty as an entrepreneur, these fundamental principles are crucial to your business’s success.

You see, one thing that is fascinating is that many of the notable pioneers in Scripture were actually entrepreneurs: Abraham, Isaac, Job and the Disciples, just to name a few. Even Jesus himself was an entrepreneur working in his family’s business from a young age. Thus, I believe that owning one’s business and taking charge of one’s financial future is a very honorable and noble thing. A major part of living a purpose driven life is taking charge of one’s overall life and this also includes financially as well.

However, I also believe that it is just as important to know how to grow one’s business as it is in simply having one. Your business is one means through which you can minister to build the kingdom of God, thus, we must learn how to grow and steward it well. When we follow God's business and life model and when we allow God's principles to guide us, then we would find true success. Joshua 1:8 states it this way, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

With this in mind, here are 4 principles that you must keep in mind if you want to scale your business venture to the next level.

Principle 1: Be Clear On Who You Serve, The Value You Provide To Them & The Transformation Which Your Product/Service Offers

This first principle is vitally important, because if you are not clear on who you serve, then you would not be able to deliver value at a high level to clients and thus it would reflect negatively on you and your business, causing you to lose customers.

Genesis 1:26-27 states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

In this verse, it highlights that human beings were made in the image of God. In other words, the created “product” (human beings) should be image bearers of their Creator. Whatever we do or say should reflect God's character (Brand), if not then something is wrong. That’s why as Christians, we are constantly empowered to develop the characteristics of Christ in our lives.

Here is the business principle. Whatever you create, should always align back up with your brand and expertise, because the created (product/service) is always going to be a reflection of its creator. The transformation which your product/service provides is going to be a reflection of you.

 If for example your product/service is:

·     A cookbook which you say teaches kids how to bake various pies,

·     Hair dressing services which you say are efficient for young women who have busy schedules,

·     A coaching programme which you say helps single moms to 10x their income apart from on their 9 to 5 job,

·     An exercise programme which you say helps overweight teenagers to get into shape in just 3 months,

Then it should deliver that transformation which you said it is capable of doing. If you don’t deliver the value which you say your product/service is capable of doing, then automatically it reflects negatively on your business and your brand.

Imagine for a moment that you went to a restaurant but when you got there, the food wasn’t nearly as good as it was advertised and portrayed to be and the service wasn’t very good.  I am sure the first thing you would probably say to yourself is, “I don’t think I am coming back here again”. In fact, I am certain you won’t say that “the restaurant staff probably just had a rough and a bad day today. I will gladly come and spend my money here again”. No!! I am certain most of you won’t say that. Why? Because, the restaurant didn’t deliver the value it said it was capable of delivering and thus it would reflect negatively on that business.

The same thing is true in our own businesses. The worst thing a person can do in business is to spend lots of time just investing in advertising, but not enough time ensuring that the value which they offer is also of a high quality. Thus, it is important to create something so good that it can be said “it was very good” at the end, like God said when He made mankind.

However, the only way that you can do this is if you know, who specifically you serve and the value you bring to them. Please bear in mind, that you cannot serve everybody. Thus, you must specify who exactly you are best able to serve and then focus on that arena. The aim is to become the go to expert in a given field. You do not want to be seen as a handy man/woman. When you are clear on who you serve, it makes you stand out above the rest who offer similar services/products on a general level. Furthermore, it also allows you to attract the right clients.

I had to learn this principle as a professional keynote speaker. Even though I can technically speak and inspire persons of various ages and various backgrounds, I know that my experience and messages best aligns with youths. (This doesn’t mean that I can’t speak to other groups or change fields eventually. However, it does mean that I have chosen a specific field to become the expert in). Thus, whenever someone thinks of a professional speaker who can connect with youths, they would automatically think of me.

To know exactly which audience you should serve, ask yourself these questions:


-What expertise do I currently have?

-Which group of individuals would benefit most from my expertise?

-Which group of persons am I most passionate about serving?

-What positive change would I like to see occur in the lives of those persons?


I will further build upon this in the next principle shared below.


Principle 2: Be Clear On The Story and Mission Behind The Work You Do, & Be Willing To Share It With Others


When we look throughout scripture at Jesus’ ministry, we would see that from a young age, He was very clear about what He was all about, stating in Luke 2:49 that He was all about His Father’s business. Not only that, we also see by observing his life that He was clear on the story and mission behind the work which He did. In Luke 19:10 and Luke 5:31-32, it is highlighted that His mission for being on earth was to seek and save those who were lost so they can be a part of his heavenly kingdom and no longer have to suffer in sin. He also stated that, “those who are whole need not a physician. Rather those who are sick do.”

You see, Jesus knew his (mission) and who he came to serve and he was willing to share it with others by telling them. The reason why it is important to be clear on the story and the mission behind the work you do is because people buy into your story & your mission before they buy into your product/service. People do business with those they know, like and trust and one way to bridge this gap is by sharing the story and mission behind what you do and why you do it. People like to know that they are contributing to a bigger cause.

As an entrepreneur, you must develop the skillset of being able to sell the vision. When I say sell the vision, I mean, you must be able to plant the vision inside of your clients’ minds, so that when they hear what you are all about and why this product/service means so much, they will be immediately drawn in. To tell you the truth, the art of sales is basically being able to help potential clients to see why this product or service is beneficial to them. When you are clear on your story and mission, this helps you when selling to customers.

As a speaker, I have noticed that whenever I share my story and my mission on stage with persons, immediately there is usually an increased number of persons who become interested in doing business with me. You see, I’ve realized that the high demand for my product/services, is usually due to the fact that I shared my story and through my story, I help others to see themselves as a similar character within my story. (I will explain what I mean here in another blog). The good news is, all of us have a story, and it is time for you to share it, regardless of what industry you are in, because as one of my mentors, Ron Johnson recently taught me, “people will mainly do business with those they know, like and trust”.


Principle 3: Deliver your service with excellence, exceed expectations & seek to always find ways to improve, for these are your best ways to attract new customers


One of the reasons this is important is because, excellence is one of the things that will encourage people to continue doing business with you.  I am sure we all know of businesses or scenarios where persons may have a great product or a service that is highly needed and can be beneficial to many persons, but when delivering that product/service, they didn’t do it very well. Maybe they did it with a half-hearted effort, or a negative attitude or maybe while doing it, they just did the bare minimum. The same way we don’t like to experience this, so too do our customers.

 I like to think of it this way: before someone engages in your product/service, they are first going to meet you - yes you as a person. Thus, from the first interaction all the way to even after the delivery of the service, everything should always be done with excellence.

In Ecclesiastes 9:10, we are challenged to give of our best in everything we do. In other words, we should be people of excellence. It states that, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

When we deliver our services with excellence and we exceed expectations and we always seek to find ways to improve, then the demand for our services also increases. This was especially evident in Jesus’ ministry.

Matthew 4:23-25 tells us this:

“And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

25 And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judaea, and from beyond Jordan.”


In this verse we see the far reach of Jesus’ ministry. It stated his fame reached through all Syria. It is important to note however, that this was only possible because He was so good at what He did. As a result of how good he was, more and more sick people were being brought to him to be healed. His impact and demand increased for his “services” (healing & teaching).

Here is the business principle: when you deliver with excellence, others will naturally refer your business to others and share testimonials with others, thus helping to grow and impact your business. Customers will be naturally drawn to you.


Principle 4: Be Willing To Collaborate With Others


The final principle I will share with you today is, be willing to collaborate with others. In Mark 1:16-18 we see that Jesus didn’t attempt to do ministry all by himself. Rather He sought to get assistants from various backgrounds and skillsets who were willing to collaborate with Him, who He later called Disciples.

Collaboration is key to elevation and expansion. However, you must choose wisely who you collaborate with. You should collaborate with persons who you believe can be helpful to the overall growth of your business. If you are now starting out, you may not yet be able to hire persons to join your team; however, you can still collaborate on a smaller level. You can do this by finding persons in your niche/industry who you can work together with to help you increase production/output and brand awareness.

Or, if you know that your business may need someone to fill a specific role for example a videographer/photographer for marketing purposes or someone who can help with the financial records, then you can start by looking for persons who offer services in that area.

One of the common misconceptions that new entrepreneurs have, is that they believe that they have to do everything in their business all by themselves, from production to marketing to sales and even to the financial recording. And though, yes this may be the case in the initial start-up phases of your entrepreneurial venture, if you want to scale your business, you must start considering collaborating with other persons who can share skills, platforms of influence or abilities that could be beneficial to your growth. I love what Dr Myron Golden once said, “we can always make up in leverage, what we lack in ability”. In other words, even if we lack a given ability, we can always look for persons who are able to do what we cannot on our own do.


If you start applying these 4 biblical principles to your business, I am certain that you will be able to scale your business to the next level.





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